melting (s)pot(s)

national gallery of victoria | melbourne

The NGV design competition is a chance to propose ideas for an architectural commission within the NGV's Grollo Equiset Garden. spArch's entry for the 2021 commission is called melting (s)pot(s), referring to the concept that everything is transformed in nature.

[abstract from the submission]
"This year we have been practising social distancing extensively, meaning we had to keep a safe space between ourselves and other people. This has been food for thought and it sparked some reflections around being alone, apart, socially distant, and together again.
There was no theory or research to refer to, theory was being written while reality was being lived. It has been a continuous blend of the two ‘worlds’.

The core of the design concept is the reality (the ground) that runs parallel to the theory (the roof), until at some point they melt one into each other searching for balance and inclusion. The pavilion offers a chance to pause, reflect, and then to restart from where we were left.

A paused 2020 year forced us to some degree of introspection - we paused and we observed what was around us.

The pavilion is an object that symbolises our individuality (the rings), our collectivity (the collection of rings), our differences (size and type of rings), our inclusions (the bigger rings), and our own world that changes (the 'melted' rings). [...]
The structure is made of recycled steel, chosen to symbolise our core, our inner strength and resilience in difficult times. It is also chosen for its infinite recyclability, a reference to our ever-changing nature. The selected module is 1.5m and its multiples, forming the composition and the structural grid – a reference to the social distancing that we all experienced recently. [...]
Recycled timber is the material proposed to clad the steel framing, symbolising our warmer human side. [...]
The structure consists of components fabricated off site and ready to be further assembled on site. At the end of the program the pavilion can be disassembled in parts and moved quickly off site, minimising disruptions. All materials used in this project are selected with the intent to be recycled at the end of the NGV Commission Program. 

The pavilion is an interpretation of the recent past and is looking at the world with a positive attitude.
And that the past may inform future discussions, ways of living and coexistence."